
I’m finally about to start shooting my short film ‘The Very Big Problem’ which I’ve probably mentioned on this site a number of times now on our countdown to production. I’m really looking forward to shooting narrative again after a lengthy break! Un/fortunately I am a one-man crew, so all the production duties are mine (lighting, camera, direction, props etc etc etc…) and so if it all goes wrong then I only have myself to blame. It won’t go wrong, but I could always do with a little help. And so I start with the first item on my agenda for setting and blocking a scene… LIGHTING! I’ve never really lit any of my own films before. I’ve either had a DOP to do it all, or used natural light or lit with a single lamp for my favourite minimal-lighting effect. However, I think ‘The Very Big Problem’ requires something a bit more than that. Having not lit professionally for over 10 years I felt the need to refresh my memory of what I learned all those moons ago about decent lighting and came across this little video blog from the kind folk over at Realm Pictures

Very handy! I know this video is for interview lighting in particular, but the techniques used and the explanations given can do nothing but help if you’re lighting a scene all by yourself with no memory of what the best way to do things is!

I start shooting in 3 days…

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