Category: Trailers

What do you think of this? My video highlight of the day…

So the new trailer for The Hobbit is out. I’ve been following the production through its production diary videos and have been intrigued rather than excited. I’m a big fan of how Peter Jackson visualised the world of Middle earth with the awesome Lord of The Rings trilogy, but… The Hobbit as stories go, never really did it for me. Having started with Lord Of The Rings (having it read to me back when I was 6 or 7), going back and reading The Hobbit was… less exciting. And so the film version hasn’t quite peaked my interests so much. I just haven’t been excited about it. I wanted to be… but I just haven’t. Jackson & co released a teaser for the new movie a few months back and, well… it didn’t excite me. Now here’s the proper trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (part 1 of 3 films now) and although it seems a bit, well… twee, this has got me just a tiny, weeny bit excited about the new trilogy. Just to visit Middle earth again…


Where ‘Identity’, ‘Supremacy’ and ‘Ultimatum’ succeed ‘Legacy’ unfortunately fails; it’s not nearly exciting or interesting enough to care about, which is a shame as it’s a great property mishandled with one exception, as lead Jeremy Renner puts in a pretty decent turn as a series replacement for Matt Damon.


Film is dead! Long live digital! Or not… whatever your preference I guess!

The last time I shot on film was back in 2000, a little 16mm project in one big reel and a whole heap of damage! The original transfer is ugly as all hell and mildly out-of-synch and shows up the inexperience with lighting for the medium. Still, there’s something delicious and permanent about film and I would love to shoot on 35mm someday… until then I shoot digitally like most independent film makers on tiny budgets. It’s an inexpensive format and with the advent of DSLR’s, film makers like myself can finally produce images that are clean and sharp and have the feel of film without the costs of the reels and the processing and then all that bother with cutting negatives etc. So I guess I’m all for digital, but I still love the magic of film. It’s not a war as such, but it’s fascinating to see polarising views on the subject. Some people will never shoot on digital, some who’ve shot on films their entire lives say they won’t shoot on film again (I’m looking at you David Lynch), and now here comes Keanu Reeves with an very interesting documentary about the subject, with some great interviews with big hitters. I’ll be VOD’ing this one, here’s the trailer…

I like this! My 007 highlight of the day… and my 100th post!

Bond looks like he’s back to thrill. Trailer-making is really becoming an artform in itself. I cannot count the number of films I’ve seen where in which the trailer has falsely advertised the film by pretending it was any good. Let’s hope that’s not the case here because for all the series’ ups and downs I’ve still got a hell of a soft spot for Bond. James Bond.


A bit late to the table with this review, but hey, thought I might just


(trailer looked promising though…)

I LOVE this! My video highlight of the day…

So you might know that I’ve already seen this movie, having attended a preview screening a few months back. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that I absolutely loved it! The one point I wrote down on my test score card they handed out at the end was “don’t cut a frame”… and I hope they don’t. It’s definitely the most interesting time I’ve had at the cinema all year and I hope I don’t get in trouble for saying so, and it might be a film that divides people… but I thought it was just superb! Here’s an incredibly long trailer for it…

I anticipate this… Not my video highlight of the day, but…

The first trailer for one of this year’s most anticipated movies is out, Life Of Pi. I think the first half of this teaser is pretty effective, but it feels a bit twee as it progresses. But we all know how trailers can sometimes be a porr reflection of what the movie turns out to be, so I’m still interested in this one… but I’ll add that I don’t know the source material. Enjoy!


Round three, and it’s not only Bruce Wayne who seems to be struggling as Nolan’s story and pacing is a little slow and tired… but despite this, Batman’s still got some dangerous punches in him… at times.


P.S. There’s so much more to say (but I only allow myself one line), but I’ll add this: I seriously feel so disappointed with this summer’s collection of popcorn flicks: Prometheus, The Amazing Spider-man, The Dark Knight Rises… like the weather, the expectations have exceeded the reality…

…except for The Avengers, which surprised me by being exactly what it was meant to be, fun and exciting and witty and hopeful. See? I’m not getting old.

UPDATE!!! I just had to quote my mate Richie on this one because it just made me laugh and laugh…

“…the very last 10 mins or so was good, but as you say by that point – didn’t care… like finding the sausage under a massive pile of too much mash – after eating all the mash – I couldn’t enjoy the sausage!”